Quest of the Queen - A Coronation Journey
Next Immersion in 2025
We warmly welcome all mid life women to the Quest of the Queen! An inner quest of self discovery, initiation and purpose.
The middle stage in a woman’s life has the potential to be the most powerful stage of all.
Known by many names, we call it the time of the Queen.
The Queen is a potent culmination of the wisdom born of many hard-won life lessons that have strengthened and softened her into a compassionate way-shower.
She has the capacity and endurance of one who has met the needs of so many in her life, and now chooses to get up each day in service to Self and the greater good.
She has journeyed into the deep recesses of her Soul and has discovered clarity of purpose. She has the drive and determination to steer her realm into peaceful times for her descendants.
To evolve into this version of the Queen, we must go through an alchemical journey of transformation.
This mid-life journey can be a very challenging time for many women – change is inevitable. In a society that worships maidenhood, women may resist entering this gateway.
No matter how much we avoid this, our menopausal journey and Chiron return (a powerful astrological portal) brings up all that is unhealed. If no previous or preparatory work is done, this can feel like our world is crumbling…old wounds, unresolved issues and blocked emotions start to bubble up for reconciliation, remedy and resolve.
This can be a confusing time.. many women find that careers, friendships and relationships end or change.. nothing is the same again…
You don’t have to do this alone. We are passionate about creating communities where women can support each other through this powerful gateway.
There's never been a more precarious time to go through this transition, our world is changing rapidly and so this change may feel ever more stressful due to the current collective issues.
In the immersion, we will be exploring what it means to be a Queen in our own world and every area of our life.
What is ready to be healed and released during this time of transition?
How do we create balance and alignment while we journey through so much change?
What is calling you forward into this next chapter?
What legacy would you love to create?